Volunteering in community development and education at Kamohelo Community Development Centre is a particularly rewarding area of volunteer work in which anyone can become involved. Whether you have a strong teaching background, excellent linguistic skills, or simply want to make a difference in the lives of many children and the community at large, you will most likely benefit from your participation in this type of charitable activity.

You can also participate in three different types of education. English lesson programs are one of the most important types of education that children can receive today. Students in our community can easily identify the importance of school and solid educations by learning English, and they can also gain access to higher levels of education if they do so.


There are also programs for teaching children everything from art to sports. There are positions available for you if you have knowledge of any of the subjects taught in South Africa or if you are simply interested in assisting.

Those who are skilled in the field of teaching can spend their time developing curriculum for students to follow as well as instructing classrooms full of children. If you lack teaching experience or the necessary skill set to manage a classroom, you can still participate in a live learning environment by working as a teacher’s aide. As a teacher’s aide, you can help the instructor implement their lessons and assist students.



Because most people involved in the education of students in South Africa understand English, you will be assisting the children around you in better understanding this language as well. If you’re looking for even more difficult tasks, you might want to look into programs designed to meet the needs of children with disabilities. These programs assist children with disabilities in obtaining the education they deserve.

Participating in Kamohelo community development programs allows you to fully immerse yourself in the Daveyton community. You can help at-risk teens create better futures by assisting them with the development and by providing the guidance you can offer based on your personal life experiences.

If you are a foreign national and looking for a completely immersive travel experience to South Africa or a way to share your personal knowledge of other subjects, the volunteer community development and education opportunities offered by Kamohelo Community Development Centre today will almost certainly meet your needs. You will have made a significant positive impact in the lives of countless children after participating in these programs, but you will also have lasting memories that will bring you joy every time you revisit them in your mind.

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