Project Description

Psychological Support Services

Kamohelo Community Development Centre provides psychological support to anyone who needs it through our qualified therapists, counsellors, and psychologists. By using our services, you are assisting us in providing free and subsidized sessions to those who cannot afford to pay for private sessions.


Psychological Support Services is for people who

  • live, work or study in and around the Daveyton community.
  • have a diagnosable mild to moderate mental health concern.
  • may benefit from short term treatment.
  • are unable to access other services due to financial hardship.

And fall within one of the following groups:

  1. Children (who are aged between 0-12 years who have not yet graduated from primary school) with, or who are at risk of developing a mild to moderate mental, emotional, or behavioural disorder
  2. Young people (12-25 years)
  3. Adult
  4. Individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer/Questioning (LGBTIQ)
  5. Individuals experiencing perinatal depression and their partners
  6. Individuals who identify as from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background
  7. Individuals who identify as from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background
  8. Individuals who have attempted, or who are at risk of suicide, or self-harm
  9. Individuals experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness
  10. Individual with severe mental health concerns who may benefit from short term focused psychological intervention as part of their overall care.
  11. Individuals with mild Intellectual disability who may benefit from short term psychological intervention when co-occurring mental health concerns are diagnosed.
Psychological Help Offered
Donate Now

To book an appointment for a therapy session kindly call 011 424 0185, send us a message on our live chat platform or email us on


Annual Month of Giving

This service is provided to adolescents and adults who are in need of psychological support. Apart from offering individual sessions, we also provide family and couples therapy. We also offer sessions at a subsidized rate or for free for those who have financial difficulties. These sessions are delivered by trainee therapists and counsellors.

Change a life today

As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.