Project Description

Sports and Fitness Programmes

Sports and group fitness activities have enormous benefits for children’s physical, academic, and emotional health.

Isn’t everyone aware of this?

It should be obvious, but what may not be is how far-reaching the benefits of sports and fitness programs for children can be. Furthermore, when children do not have access to these programs, the negative consequences are severe.

So, are we providing children with the necessary opportunities, or are we falling behind?

Regular physical activity and sports participation are linked to lower obesity rates, increased bone density, improved cardiovascular fitness, improved coordination, and improved social and personal skills. Amidst the great need of fitness and training equipment, we continually strive to drive a robust campaign about healthy living, exercising and healthy eating. We have successfully establish the following clubs and societies within our organization:

• Soccer teams under the following categories: U11, U13, U15, U17 and first division (our teams are affiliated to BSLFA)
• Netball team under the following categories: U11, U13, U15, U17 and first division
• Junior golf club

Events held
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Annual Month of Giving

Sports participation also has psychological and social health benefits, such as increased self-confidence, fewer depressive episodes, decreased anxiety, improved teamwork and social skills, stronger self-discipline, and greater academic success.

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